2. Februar 2025
11 °C Berlin, DE

Chinas Top-3D-Druck-Wochenzeitung

Die 4 Metallpulver von Oerlikon für den 3D-Druck

Oerlikon has more than 80 years of experience in materials development and production. Relying on the professional technology of American powder factories and German additive manufacturing bases, we can provide customers with metal materials such as titanium alloys, nickel-based alloys, cobalt-chromium alloys, stainless steel, mold steel, and customized high-end parts additive manufacturing solutions. Currently, Oerlikon’s products and services are widely used in aerospace, energy, medical and automotive fields.

block Oerlikon’s additive manufacturing capabilities

It has a variety of metal additive manufacturing equipment and a research center dedicated to printing testing and process parameter optimization.
Can perform physical and chemical analysis
Global sales and logistics network
NADCAP certified production facility
Flexible warehousing policy
Locally stocked powder can arrive at the client within 2 days at the fastest
Customized reusable packaging and labels
Materials are traceable
Long-term supply agreements available
block Oerlikon Additive Manufacturing’s existing powder grades

Block additive manufacturing powder properties

Developed specifically for industrial applications
High purity spherical metal powder with excellent high tap density and excellent flowability
Powder particle size distribution tailored for additive manufacturing processes
Offers the advantages of high reliability and repeatability
block powder applicable process

Laser Powder Bed Melting (PBF-LB)
Electron beam powder bed melting for Ti-6Al-4V (PBF-EB/Ti6Al4V)
energy deposition (DED)
4 metal powders recommended by block

I High temperature alloy nickel base 738

MetcoAdd™ 738A is a nickel-based high-temperature alloy. Through optimization, printing cracking can be effectively reduced and printability improved. This powder can print crack-free products.

Application areas:

Aerospace: turbine engine hot-end components, blades and heat shields
I High temperature alloy nickel base 230

MetcoAdd™ H230-A is a nickel-based powder product whose chemical composition is close to the American aviation standard AMS5891 bar standard (close to the national standard GH3230). The room temperature static properties of the printed test bar after heat treatment are at the same level as AMS5891, and it has excellent high-temperature tensile and creep properties.

Application areas:

Aerospace: engine components
Energy generation: gas turbine components
General Industry: High Temperature Resistant Components
I High temperature alloy cobalt base 188

MetcoAdd™ H188-A is a cobalt-based powder product whose chemical composition is close to the American aviation standard AMS5608 plate standard (close to the national standard GH5188). The room temperature static performance of the printed test rod after heat treatment is at the same level as AMS5608.

Application areas:

Aerospace engines and gas turbines: transition tubes, combustion chambers, injection pipes, flame stabilizers, linings
I High temperature alloy cobalt based 509

MetcoAdd™ MM509-A is a Co-Ni-Cr-W-Ta series alloy with a chemical composition close to Mar-M-509. The room temperature static performance of the printed test rod after heat treatment is at the same level as that of the cast Mar-M-509.

Application areas:

Aerospace engines and gas turbines: guide blades, vane rings

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